May 25, 2023

The Cool, Calm, and Collected Way to Grind: Why Manual Coffee Grinders Deserve Your Attention

By Kim Fai Soh

There's an old saying that the best things in life take time. This phrase might as well be the tagline for manual coffee grinders. In a world of instant gratification, these devices ask us to slow down, engage in the process, and in return, they reward us with an unparalleled coffee experience. But their charm extends beyond the art of slow living. There's a scientific reason behind why manual grinders may offer a superior grind, and it has everything to do with heat.

Turning Up the Heat on Electric Grinders

In the battle of manual versus electric grinders, there's a hot topic that we need to address: heat. Electric grinders, for all their convenience, have one significant downside. Their fast-spinning blades generate heat through friction, and this heat can have an impact on your coffee.

Coffee beans are delicate, and their flavor can change when exposed to heat. Even the small amount of heat generated by an electric grinder can start to degrade the oils in the coffee beans, potentially affecting the taste of your brew.

Why Manual Grinders are the Cool Option

So where does that leave manual coffee grinders? In a pretty cool position, both literally and figuratively.

Manual grinders, like the ones we proudly offer, operate at a much slower pace. It's a speed dictated by you, and it's a process that invites you to be part of the coffee-making journey. This slower grinding process generates less heat, keeping those precious coffee oils intact and preserving the flavor of the beans.

In addition to being the "cooler" option, manual grinders also offer a level of control that electric grinders simply can't match. You can adjust the grind size to your precise preference, making it easier to experiment with different brewing methods.

A Few More Perks of Going Manual

The benefits of manual grinders don't stop at cooler beans and more control. They're also whisper-quiet, meaning you can grind your coffee early in the morning without worrying about waking up the entire household.

Moreover, manual grinders are typically more compact and portable than their electric counterparts. They're perfect companions for camping trips, vacations, or just a day at the office. Plus, they don't require electricity, so you can enjoy freshly ground coffee anywhere, anytime.

In Praise of the Manual Coffee Grinder

In the end, choosing a coffee grinder is a deeply personal decision. Each type has its merits and may suit different people and lifestyles. But for those who appreciate the journey as much as the destination, who savor each step in the coffee-making process, and who want to enjoy the freshest possible taste, a manual coffee grinder is an investment worth considering.

By going manual, you're not just buying a tool for grinding coffee. You're buying an experience – one that begins with the turn of a handle and ends with a delicious cup of coffee. And in our book, that's a pretty cool thing indeed.